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Rail Replacement 

We provide streamlined, practical & cost-effective Rail Replacement Management for Planned and Emergency Rail operations

Planned Events

Pre-planned outages

During periods of construction work, line upgrades or system maintenance, we support rail companies by offering complete turn-key management and operational solutions across multi-line and multi-operator structures.

Emergency Events

Unexpected outages

In cases of unforseeable events such as accidents, system faults or peak hours, we offer rapid response road transport subsitutions to passengers.

Management Models

Our management models are developed upon discrete-event simulation techniques and a genetic algorithm to minimise passenger delays and operational costs.

Demand Forcasting

We employ various forecasting methods and compare historical data make accurate estimates of future demands on capacity levels and financial needs of rail replacement requirements

Total Solution

We can provide fleet, scheduling, operations, maintenance and planning to help seamlessly integrate into existing networks and timetabling. 

Monitoring, Evaulation & Reporting

We provide continuous performance management to assess progress towards achieving expected results

Operations are supported by our prorietary.

Rail Replacement Management Solution.

The RRMS has been developed to maximise effciency, cost savings and situational awareness. Log in and you're ready to go.

RRMS - Replacement Rail Management System_edited.png

© 2021 by WCL Management Services


27 Osboldstone Road VIC 3677 Australia



27 Osboldstone Road VIC 3677 Australia

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